Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen

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Orchestra in residence in Ghent

In 2017, the Flanders Symphony Orchestra made its entry into Ghent as the orchestra in residence in De Bijloke Music Centre. Projects that have been part of our DNA for a long time are now brought to fruition.

Geert Riem 06

“A cultural institution that dares to call itself ‘Music centre’ should be brimming with musical activity and energy. A good concert hall brings artists and audiences – the two reasons for our existence – together. Many of those meetings are inspiring, enriching, fascinating, instructive, touching, relaxing, enlightening or confusing and even confrontational. Often they are also ephemeral and unique, because a concert hall wants to bring musicians into contact with as large an audience as possible, to the extent possible. (...) Other artistic relationships are enduring and intense. If it clicks, there are plenty of advantages. Production and presentation suddenly come effortlessly together. Performers are no longer guests, but come ‘home’.”

  • Geert Riem, General director of De Bijloke Music Centre.
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About Flanders Symphony Orchestra

Flanders Symphony Orchestra has been a fixed value in the Flemish cultural landscape for sixty years. Composed of sixty highly committed and passionate musicians, and led by renowned conductors, the orchestra always gives their best to give you an amazing musical experience.