Flanders Symphony Orchestra is a non-profit organisation with 60 passionate musicians, a passionate team and a board full of ambition and love for the orchestra.
Geert Dhondt, president | geert.dhondt@symfonieorkest.be
Sofie Servranckx, secretary
Arnoud Declerck, treasurer
An Beazar
Frank Beke
Inge Buyse
Rinaldo Castelli
Jan De Beule (aspirant)
Lieve Ectors
Frédérique Joos (aspirant)
Filips Pieters
Bernard Sintobin
Flanders Symphony Orchestra has been a fixed value in the Flemish cultural landscape for sixty years. Composed of sixty highly committed and passionate musicians, and led by renowned conductors, the orchestra always gives their best to give you an amazing musical experience.