Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen

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Tickets & season tickets

Here you find an answer to all your practical questions about tickets and season tickets, grouped by several themes.

Rates & reductions, Bruges

Tickets for concerts in Bruges can be bought directly through the Flanders Symphony Orchestra. Both standard and reduced rate tickets (65+, discount cards) are available for these concerts.

How can I order a ticket for Flanders Symphony Orchestra?
Groups & schools
Gift voucher

What is the best gift? If you ask us, the answer is clear: enjoying live music together! Give an unforgettable experience with a gift voucher from Symfonieorkest Vlaanderen.

Frequently asked questions
Venues & halls

Here you will find the different halls of our concert locations in Bruges, Antwerp and Brussels. Please note: the number of seats and the classification in tiers can change depending on the production.

Orchestra in residence in Ghent

In 2017, the Flanders Symphony Orchestra made its entry into Ghent as the orchestra in residence in De Bijloke Music Centre. Projects that have been part of our DNA for a long time are now brought to fruition.

Watch & listen

You can also enjoy Flanders Symphony Orchestra at home. On this page, you will discover all our audio and video recordings. Click, watch, listen and experience!


Together with chief conductor Kristiina Poska, Flanders Symphony Orchestra is recording the complete Beethoven cycle for the label Fuga Libera (Outhere Music). Browse our other recent highlights and collaborations and find out what projects are currently in the pipeline.

Live concert recordings

Music sounds most powerful when it is shared. We prefer to do this live in concert halls, but also via high-quality video recordings on our YouTube channel. So you can (re)live Flanders Symphony Orchestra in concert wherever, whenever and as often as you like.

Mission and vision